Water News

    Body Glove’s North East Invasion Tour with Jamie O’Brien

    Jamie O’Brien

    The Body Glove crew will be trekking the North-East Coast of the United States on their latest Invasion Tour. Starting in Maine the team, including Jamie O’Brien and Body Glove Team Manager, Cheyne Magnusson, will visit surf shops along the coast, signing autographs and giving away product.

    “This year there will be a twist to the tour, as the entire crew of WhoIsJOB 4.0 will be tagging along for the ride,” states Cheyne Magnusson.  “We will be hitting shops, the worlds biggest stationary wave machine at Surf’s Up New Hampshire, Yale, New York City, Jersey, and wrapping it up in Atlantic City!  It should be a good time and hopefully everybody makes it back in one piece.”

    If you are on the East Coast make sure to stop by the location closest to you:

    For more information on Body Glove athletes and products go to www.bodyglove.com and for daily updates visit www.facebook.com/bodyglove

    Image courtesy Body Glove