Lifestyle News

    More Than 100 BASE Jump from Malaysia’s KL Tower

    A man BASE jumps from Sapphire Tower in Istanbul.

    Last weekend, 103 BASE jumpers chose to take the leap in Malaysia as part of the annual KL Tower International Jump 2013. Held in Kuala Lumpur from September 27 through 30, jumpers from 20 different countries flocked to the area to take part in the event.

    According to an article posted by CNN, 32-year-old Kat Donahue was one of six women who took part this year.

    “A lot of people do say I’m crazy but my family is pretty supportive,” the US-based location manager told CNN. “Jumping can be scary, but when you calm your nerves and become quiet, it’s very peaceful out there—meditative. BASE jumping can be solitary but this is such a social event. It’s great.”

    For those interested in participating in future KL Tower jumps, which first started in 1996, jumpers are required to have at least two years of experience and more than 120 jumps completed.

    Check out a video of the 2010 KL Tower International Jump below.

    Lonnie Bissonnette, a paraplegic BASE jumper from Canada, participated for the first time this year.  

    “Lonnie is inspiring for me as there are extra risks involved for him, but he has been jumping for years,” Event Organizer Gary Cunningham, 42, told CNN. “Unfortunately his accident was caused by BASE jumping, but he highlights how if one avenue closes you focus on what you can do. Lonnie has been able to do some pretty amazing stuff.”

    You can view a photo gallery from the event here posted by The Baltimore Sun.

    Image from Kontizas Dimitrios on the Wikimedia Commons