Mountain & Trail News

    Video: Psychology of a Champion Climber

    EpicTV released the first episode of the series Ramón Julián: A Muerte, which features the climber step away from the rock and come in front of the camera to talk about his career, training, advice about competition, and how he has revolved his life around the sport.

    The two-time world champion competition climber from Barcelona is known to be camera-shy, but he takes down the walls during this video. In order to capture not only footage of him climbing, but interviews as well, filmmakers followed the climber to the climbing center of Climbat La Foixarda, where he trains daily.

    “Ramón is actually at that wall every day,” said Director Jon Herranz. “But we didn’t want to interrupt his training so it was actually pretty difficult to get him during a moment when he wasn’t on the wall.”

    Check out the episode below: