
    What to look for in the best headphones for working out

    What to look for in the best headphones for working out | ActionHub

    Listening to music during your workout will increase the intensity of your workout. Studies have shown that music distracts you from fatigue and pain, reduces perceived effort, increases endurance, elevates mood, and can even promote metabolic efficiency. When people listen to music while working out, they bike longer, swim faster and run farther, sometimes without even realizing it.

    Therefore, a great pair of headphones is the best addition to your workout gear. There are loads of great headphones out there, and to help you pick the best headphones for working out, we’ve put together a list of what you need to look for, helping you to boost your workout and reach your fitness goals.

    Safety first

    Most of the best headphones have excellent sound isolation qualities, letting you block all outside sounds and just focus on the music. This is great when working out indoors, but if your workouts are usually outside, you need to be aware of any surrounding sounds (such as a car horn or someone shouting). Therefore, if your workout sessions are mostly outdoors, look for a pair of headphones without sound isolation features.

    Headphones should fit your active lifestyle

    The best headphones for working out should be flexible, remain stable during your workout and of course, deliver great sound. Most of all, they should be able to withstand harsh weather conditions and be moisture resistant. Most workout headphones all resist moisture, but the quality varies from one pair to another.

    Look for a pair of headphones that are sweat resistant, and that can be fully submerged in water. This will let you clean them of all bacteria with more than just an antibacterial wipe.

    Cordless or cords?

    Most workout headphones come with cables, and while they are usually quite durable and resistant to tangles, most exercise enthusiasts believe they get in the way. If you don’t mind cords, pick a pair of headphones with the longest and largest cable available, as while heavier, they will be more manageable and harder to damage.

    If you want to avoid cords, there are lots of great wireless options available. The downside is that you need to charge them before using them, meaning that if you forget to charge them, you will have to forgo music on your next workout session. Look for a pair that has a long battery life (12 hours is a pretty decent battery life) or a fast charging option, which means your headphones are charged in around 15 minutes.


    Always consider the warranty option before purchasing your headphones. If a headphone model looks cheap, it probably is, meaning you can tell a lot about quality just by looking at their design. Look for a pair of headphones that come with a 1 or 2-year warranty and a reputation for excellent customer service.