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    PORON XRD Impact Protection Foam Incorporated into New Products

    PORON XRD | ActionHub

    PORON XRD is starting to be used in more than just footwear, such as these gloves.

    PORON XRD Extreme Impact Protection is a foam made for repeated impact and shock absorption that is starting to be used in a variety of products such as shoes, helmets, and gloves.

    “In this market, most of the foam is used for comfort or impact protection,” said Dave Sherman from Rogers Corporation, which manufactures PORON XRD, during the Outdoor Retailer Winter Market. “It’s a rate-dependent material, so it’s very soft to touch, but on impact it firms up.”

    The foam is made with an open-cell technology, which makes it more breathable.

    “So, when it’s in apparel, it’s flexible and comfortable to wear,” said Brian Kinslow from Backbone Media.

    While Rogers Corporation dates back many years, the creation of the specific PORON XRD impact foam for uses other than footwear is relatively new.

    “Impact has started to become a much more important story. You can’t read the newspaper or the sports page without there being some talk of concussions or injuries, so PORON is now used in things like top-rated concussion reduction helmets,” Sherman said.

    While the foam was first used in helmets beginning a few years ago, it’s now making its way into other products like gloves, hats, headbands, and full body wear.

    In the gloves, the foam is incorporated in the palm and knuckle areas. The beanie, depending on the sports it’s used in, offers anywhere from 35 to 65 percent more protection than wearing nothing on your head.

    To learn more about the company, visit the PORON XRD website.

    Images by Ariel Black