How To

    How To Make a Poncho Tent Shelter

    A poncho tent is a useful shelter you can make with the materials (literally) on your back. This will show you how to make two different types: One with an overhanging branch, the other using an A-frame support.

    This tent provides a low silhouette. It also protects you from the elements on two sides. It has, however, less usable space than a lean-to. To make this tent, you need a poncho, two 1.5- to 2.5-meter ropes, six sharpened sticks about 30 centimeters long, and two trees 2 to 3 meters apart.

    To make the tent–

    • Tie off the poncho hood in the same way as the poncho lean-to.
    • Tie a 1.5- to 2.5-meter rope to the center grommet on each side of the poncho.
    • Tie the other ends of these ropes at about knee height to two trees 2 to 3 meters apart and stretch the poncho tight.
    • Draw one side of the poncho tight and secure it to the ground pushing sharpened sticks through the grommets.
    • Follow the same procedure on the other side.

    If you need a center support, use the same methods as for the poncho lean-to. Another center support is an A-frame set outside but over the center of the tent. Use two 90- to 120-centimeter-long sticks, one with a forked end, to form the A-frame. Tie the hood’s drawstring to the A-frame to support the center of the tent.

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